watch the above video. I am not sure what kind of function is it but definitely some sort of Xtian convention. Its in Malayalam. I have not seen a more outrageous insult of National Flag!!!
How the person is defining different colours of the flag. How he is Misleading people to concert using the white Colour in the flag!!!
I have translated the entire talk in English for the benefit of people who cannot understand Malayalam
Following is the translation:
Indians are people with Light inside. Now Tricolour Flag. Saffron Colour on Top, Green in Bottom, White in Middle
What is Saffron? It indicates Bravery and Dedication. The top indicates about people who are ready to Beat, Punch, Kill and Stab. The green at bottom is not that It indicates Self Sufficient India. That means people who have money. Understand? But we are the white in the Middle. halleluyah. Understand? People who understood are praising the lord. I call praise for the My Lord who brought White in Middle of the flag . Not Finished. Do you know Chakra, the symbol of Power, Ashok Chakra? That is in White. Lord didnot give it to either Saffron or to Green. GLORY! Do you want to hear more. It is Called Ashoka Chakra. Shoka Means Sadness. Ashoka mean will remove Sadness. That means if you want to remove sadness you have to come to white. Even if its Saffron or Green, it has to come to white to remove saddness. Halleluyah.. People who understood and Praising the lord. That means this night you have to come to white, that means you have to come to Jesus. Without coming to Jesus you will not get light. Praise the lord!!!!!